Effective Study Habits for School

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My name's LENG SILEANG. I'm 21years
old. I'm studying bachelor degree of accounting in years 3 at National University Of Battambang.

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   Studying isn't just for the night be fore the exam, It's not too early or too long to develop good study habits. The sooner you have good study habits, the easier everything will be and the better your chances of getting a good grade. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of what you are learning.  

    To be successful in school, children need effective study habits. It's not too early to start thinking about the skills needed in and out of the classroom.

    here are seven effective study habits that are essential for students of all ages.

1. Establish a Study area at Home

Finding a good location designate as the homework station. Stock the study space with school supplies including pencils, sharpeners, erasers, highlighters, and index cards .But in particular, we need to eliminate interference such as TVs and mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad.

2.Communicate with the teacher

Communicate with the teacher it's every important to understand the assignments and the expectations for class. Students should ask the teacher questions for clarity when needed. If homework is missing, it’s important to speak with the teacher about the reason.

3.Keep assignments organized

Assignments It's also important to keep details of their assignments organized in a planner or notebook and write down dates for assignments, tests and projects. Some jobs require several steps to complete .Therefore, planning is necessary.

4.Avoid procrastination

Many students wait until the last minute to do their work, but procrastination must be avoided. Unforeseen problems occur like getting sick or a flat tire, which could make it hard to complete the task.

5.Take notes in class

Listening and recording are important learning habits for school and careers.  Students identify the most relevant information they need to keep and write it down in order to review it later .

6. Highlight key concepts in the reading materials

Students can use different highlighters or sticky flags to highlight material in a specific class.  Creating a color coding system is not only great for organizations, it is also fun!

7.Prepare your book-bag before going to bed

Book preparation is also an issue that if we forget to bring back the completed homework leads to downtime.  Students should ensure that their school bag is packed with homework, books and study materials before going to bed.




  1. Nice work, but you have to be references where you get the ideas from. You also need to add picture to your profile and say something about yourself before the post.


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